3.1 Network Forensics
Week 3 Day 1 - Network Forensics
Last Update Unknown
Source of Network-Based Evidence
Evidence on the Wire
- Physical cables; support digital signalling
- Fibre optics
- Coaxial cable
- Twisted pair (TP)
- Between switches and routers
- Between stations on a LAN
- Tap into physical cabling
- Vampire taps
- Infrastructure taps
- Surreptitious fiber taps
Evidence in the Air
- Via wireless networking
- RF waves (Travel through wood and brick)
- IR waves
- Need to gain access to traffic
- Encrypted traffic... need to gain the key
- Management frames & control frames are not encrypted
- Identify MAC in encrypted traffic
- Identify stations…suspicious stations…
- Volume-based statistical traffic analysis...
Evidence on the Switches
- Glue that hold LANs together
- Switches connected to other switches
- Then connected to other switches
- Form a complex switched network environment
- Core switch
- Edge switch
- CAM table (area of memory switch uses to store all the MAC addresses)
- MAC address…port and stations
- Configure one port to mirror traffic
- Then capture with a packet sniffer
Evidence on the Routers
- Stations on one LAN to stations on another LAN
- MANs
- WANs
- Routing tables
- Trace the traffic path
- Logs denied traffic
- Logs flow record
- Logs on routers and logs on central
Evidence on the DHCP Servers
- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Servers
- Assigning IP addresses to LAN stations
- LAN stations and stations on other LANS can communicate
- Static IP address vs. Dynamic IP address (DHCP)
- DHCP often provided by edge devices
- DHCP also provided by infrastructure servers
- Begins with IP addresses
- Locate the devices (victim & hacker) physically
- Event logs on DHCP servers for assigned/released IPs
- Then: MAC address of the devices; time??
Evidence on the Name Servers
- Domain Name System (DNS)
- IP addresses to names (human-readable)
- No information to resolve
- Query another DNS server
- Log queries for IP address and hostname
- Revealing queries
- Connection attempts from internal to external systems
- Web sites, SSH servers, external email servers...
- Corresponding times
- Build a timeline of a suspect’s activities
Evidence on the Authentication Servers
- Provide centralised authentication services to users
- Manages user accounts in one place
- Streamline account provisioning
- Streamline audit tasks
- Log successful and/or failed login attempts
- Identify brute force (password-guessing) attacks
- Account logins at suspicious hours
- Account logins at unusual locations
- Unexpected privileged logins
- Information about all devices within an entire Authentication domain
- Desktops, servers, network devices...
Evidence on the NIDSs and NIPSs
- Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDSs)
- Network Intrusion Prevention Systems (NIPSs)
- Provide security analysts and forensic investigators about the security–related events
- Different methods of operation, NIDS/NIPS devices
- Monitor network traffic in real time
- Alert security personnel & provide event information
Block the suspicious traffic
- Effectiveness: where sensors are placed, how many, can they cope with increasing volumes…
- Timely data
- Shows attacks in progress
- Shows systems already compromised
- Shows more than the source and destination IP addresses: TCP/UDP ports, event time…
- For ongoing investigation: NIDS to gather more granular data for specific events/sources and destinations
Evidence on the Firewalls
- Specialised routers
- Deeper inspection of network traffic
- Intelligent decisions
- Forward/block/log traffic
- IP/payload/port/protocol
- Internal/external/home firewall
- Event logging
- Configured to:
- Produce alerts
- Produce alerts log allowed or denied traffic
- Log system configuration changes
- Log errors
- Log events
- Serve as evidence for forensic analysts
Evidence on the Web Proxies
- Two purposes:
- Locally caching web pages: performance
- To log, inspect, filter web traffic: security
- Allow/deny requested web page (blacklist)
- Anonymising proxies (proxy’s IP address)
- A gold mine
- A hard drive: web surfing habit of a user
- A web proxy: web surfing habit of all users
- Tools for visual reports
- Reveals inappropriate web surfing habits
- Identifies the source of web-based malware
Evidence on the Application Servers
- Organisation has a variety of application servers
- Depends on: mission, size, budget…
- Common types: Database, Web, Email, Chat, VoIP/voicemail servers
- Many possible sources of network-based evidence
- Database, Web, Email, Chat, VoIP/voicemail servers…
Evidence on the Central Log Servers
- Aggregate event logs from different sources
- Authentication servers, web proxies, firewalls
- Individual servers send logs
- To be time stamped, correlated, and analysed by automated tools and humans
- Easier than each device individually
- Individual server is compromised: logs from it may remain intact on the central
- Log server
- Routers may retain logs short time but the same logs may be sent to a central log server
- Preserved for months/years
- Commercial log analysis products: forensic analysts with complex reports and graphical representations of log data, correlated across a variety of sources
Packet Analysis
- Analysing the protocols in use
- Searching for a specific string
- Carving out files
You received an alert from an IDS about suspicious traffic from a particular host- You would like to identify the cause
- Concerned that an employee is exporting confidential data (search for specific keywords)
- Protocol analysis
- Packet analysis
- Multi-packet stream analysis
- Fields within protocols
- Protocols within packets
- Packets within streams
- Reconstruct higher-layer protocol data from streams
- Packet data may be corrupted or truncated
- The contents may be encrypted at different layers
- The protocols in use may be undocumented
- Sophisticated tools/techniques
Protocol Analysis
- How a particular protocol works
- What it’s used for
- How to identify it
- How to dissect it
Protocol Analysis may not be as straightforward as packet analysis as many protocols are deliberately kept secret by their inventors to:
- protect intellectual property
- keep out competition
- for the purposes of covert communications
Some protocols are publicly documented such as those in the IETF-specified standards.
- You never know what you’ll find actually traversing the networks
- This fact is exploited by attackers to:
- Bypass IDSs and firewall rules
- Smuggle data in strange places
- Generally create mayhem
Where to Get Information on Protocols
Standards bodies:
- IETF Request for Comments (RFC)
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standards Association (IEEE-SA)
- International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO)
- Cisco
- Microsoft
- Build your own protocol
- Required: a laptop, some networking equipment, free software/tools
- Wireshark
- tshark
- tcpdump
Include built-in protocol dissectors for hundreds of different protocols
Using the NetBee PDML & PSML languages as a foundation
An excellent tool for protocol analysis which displays packets in three panels (top, middle, bottom)
Packet List (top panel)
- Captured packets (one per line)
- Very brief details about them (time, source and destination IP, the highest level protocol in use, a brief snippet of protocol data)
Packet Details (middle panel)
- Shows the details of the protocols for the selected packet in all Layers that Wireshark can interpret
Packet Bytes (bottom panel)
- Hexadecimal and ASCII representation of the packet (including Layer 2 data)
Protocol Analysis Techniques
Protocol Analysis is necessary for packet analysis to properly interpret the communications structures and to understand the contents and analyse packets or streams
Freely available tools:
- Wireshark
- tshark
- Tcpdump
- Can develop new protocols
- Can develop extensions to old ones
In order to:
- Communicate covertly
- Add functionality to existing protocols
Protocol Analysis Techniques:
- Protocol identification
- Protocol decoding
- Data exportation
- Metadata extraction
Packet Analysis Techniques
- To identify packets of interest
- To understand their structure and relationship
- To gather evidence and facilitate further analysis
- Based on protocol fields
- Based on their contents
- Search for strings or patterns in packet contents
- Wireshark
- tshark Display Filters
- Ngrep
- Hex editors
- Pattern Matching
- Parsing Protocol Fields
- Packet Filtering
Pattern Matching
Identify packets of interest by matching specific values within the packet capture
- “dirty word list”
- Example tool: “Ngrep”
Parsing Protocol Fields
Extract the contents of protocol fields
- Example tool: Tshark
Packet Filtering
Separate packets based on the values of fields in protocol metadata or payload
- Filtering with BPF
- Wireshark display filter
- Example tool: tcpdump
High Layer Traffic Analysis
Common examples of higher-layer protocols include:
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
- Domain Name System (DNS)
- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
- HTTP operates according to a request/response model
- HTTP client sends a request to a remote server
- HTTP server processes the request and sends a response
- HTTP servers operate over TCP port 80
- A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a string used to specify the location of a resource
- HTTP designed to run on top of a reliable, connection-oriented protocol such as TCP
- No built-in mechanisms to track session state: cookies are created on top of HTTP
- HTTP requests and responses are referred to as messages
- HTTP messages can include:
- Message header
- Message body
Methods defined by RFC 2616 for HTTP include:
- OPTIONS - Obtain information about communicating with the remote server
- GET - Retrieve the information identified by the URI
- HEAD - Retrieve the information identified by the URI, without returning a message body
- POST - Send data to the resource specified by the URI for processing
- PUT - Upload information to be stored under the specified URI
- DELETE - Delete the resource specified by the URI
- TRACE - Echo a request message back to the client
- CONNECT - Reserved “for use with a proxy that can dynamically switch to being a tunnel”
Only the “GET” and “HEAD” methods must be supported by a web server
HTTP response sent from the server includes:
- A three-digit a status code
- A human readable reason phrase
There are five categories for status codes, organised by the first digit
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
- To take advantage of IP based routing: each computer needs to be assigned a 32-bit (IPv4) or 128-bit (IPv6) IP address
- Static IP address: not scale-able
- Need dynamic IP addresses for the huge IP address demands
- To dynamically assign IP addresses to network cards
- Layer 7 protocol which operates over UDP on ports 67 and 68
When a computer is connected to the network:
- It broadcasts a DHCP request
- Local DHCP server will answer with a unicast reply (at Layer 3)
- DHCP server offers a DHCP lease
Lease includes: the IP address assigned, the netmask and gateway address, DNS server addresses, and time that the lease is valid
Most clients will request a lease renewal before the lease expires
A computer may be assigned the same IP address for days, weeks, or months
DHCP server logs and DHCP communications in packet captures can contain valuable information such as:
- Client MAC address
- Client hostname
- Routing information
- DHCP traffic
- timestamps
You will frequently see the following exchange
- Client: DHCP DISCOVER (Layer 2 broadcast)
- Server: DHCP OFFER
- Server: DHCP ACK
DNS is a query-response protocol, resolving the names with the 32-bit IPv4 or 128-bit IPv6 numerical addresses.
The client's question and the server's response typically fit within a single UDP packet.
Possible to route normal DNS traffic over TCP
- When the server’s response is too large for a single UDP packet
- Therefore the client resubmits the query via a TCP connection
- This often occurs when there is a request for an AXFR record: DNS “zone transfer”
It asks the server to tell the client everything it knows about a particular domain
These types of requests provide valuable reconnaissance information for attackers. As a result, DNS over TCP port 53 is often blocked
$ dig www.google.com
This will result in an address record (A) query from the default nameserver. Specific nameservers can be queried with dig as follows:
$ dig @ns.google.com www.google.com
Reverse “PTR” records and other records such as nameserver
delegations can be obtained as well:
$ dig @ns.modwest.com PTR
$ dig lmgsecurity.com NS
A wide variety of tools available that interpret higher-layer protocols and automatically print:
- Important details
- Carve out files
- Decode data,
- Produce professional forensic reports
- oftcat
- NetworkMiner
- smtpdump
- findsmtpinfo.py