2.3 Digital Certificates
Week 2 Day 3 - Digital Certificates
Last Update Unknown
Authentication Methods
Authentication is a fundamental issue in security. Systems, Users, Data and Servers all must be authenticated.
Every authentication method has weaknesses, and, if possible, multiple methods should be used.
Possession - Something you have
Knowledge - Something you know
Inherence - Something you are
End-to-end authentication
End-to-end authentication goes from the user to the service.
e.g. A user logs-in to online banking
Intermediate authentication
Intermediate authentication is a part of the authentication process.
e.g. A computer logs-in to a VPN automatically.
One-way server authentication
One-way client authentication
Mutual authentication
e.g. A user logs-in to a website which is using HTTPS
Long passwords are secure but not user-friendly so there needs to be a balance between password security and usability.
A combination of:
Length: affects the total amount of efforts required to guess the password
Complexity: protects against guessing with common passwords
Memorable: provides usability
System design: can affect how fast passwords can be guessed
Digital Certificates
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
Certificate authority (CA): A trusted entity that issues Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates. Examples of CAs include Verisign, Entrust or Microsoft Trust.
Digital certificates are a soft token of authentication, and require a trust mechanism.
Trusted root certificates are installed as a default on the machine (or installed with the user's permission).
Certificate purposes:
- Secure email.
- Server authentication.
- Code signing.
- Driver authentication.
- Time stamping.
- Client authentication.
- IP tunnelling.
- EFS (Encrypted File System).
Problems with Digital Certificates:
- Lack of understanding of how they work.
- They can be spoofed.
Claims-based ID
Claims-based identity is a means of authenticating an end user, application or device to another
system in a way that abstracts the entity's specific information while providing data that authorises it for
appropriate and relevant interactions.
An example of this is the "Login with Facebook" option.
- Reduces the need to store authentication credentials to multiple locations
- Cryptographically disconnects authentication from authorisation, so that authenticators do not know the reason why the authentication request is issued
- This type of identity is often, but not necessarily, cloud-based
- A user request access to a protected resource, hosted on a Relying Party (RP)
- The user is given a list of Identity Providers (IDP) trusted by the RP
- The user can chose which IDP he/she trusts. Once selected they are redirected to the IDPs login page
- The user uses their credentials to login
- The user’s application is issued with a Secure Token that includes Claims – attributes describing the user like name, role, a unique identifier, etc
- The user is redirected back to the RP and presents it with the Secure Token containing the Claims
- The RP trusts IDP A and IDP B and has already established a cryptographically sound trust relationship with them
- IDPs may trust further providers or directories, this may not be known to the RP but it has to trust IDP A and whatever it trusts