3 - Linux Networking

Unit 3 - Linux Networking

Last Update Unknown

Question 2: Main Network

What is the network device name which connects you to the linuxzoo network? This will have an IPv4 address which starts "10."... Do not type in /dev when you answer this (i.e. make the answer relative to /dev).

What is the broadcast address for this network connection?

What is the netmask in quad dotted format for this network connection?

What is the IP for the default route (i.e. the gateway) for your virtual machine?

Device eth2 is connected to a network for which your virtual machine is the gateway. The network ip is and the netmask is Your IP should be the last valid host IP number allowed for that network.

Calculate the your IP/NETWORK configuration for eth2.

Configure eth2 as per the previous question. Confirm operations by pinging Make sure the broadcast address is correct too.

Device eth3 is connected to a network for which your virtual machine is the gateway. The network ip is and the netmask is Your IP should be the last valid host IP number allowed for that network.

Calculate the your IP/NETWORK configuration for eth3.

Configure eth3 as per the previous question. Confirm operations by pinging Make sure the broadcast address is correct too.

Using an "ip link" command, discover the mac address of eth3.

What is the mac address of Hint: "/proc"...

If you were able to log onto, how would you have configured the default route?

Question 3: Listening services and connections

How many programs are listening on ipv4 TCP sockets on your machine. Hint: the netstat command will help you here.

What is the PID of the process which is listening on UDP port 111 (sunrpc). Hint: the netstat command will help you here.

When you connected to linuxzoo.net via telnet or ssh, it was forwarded from (the main linuxzoo server) to your machine's telnet or ssh server using a proxy. Find the port number on the end of one of these proxy connections and enter it below. Hint: again try the netstat command very near the beginning of the output... It sometimes helps to use "-n", as this does not do DNS lookups.

Question 4: Traceroute: hop count

In order for your virtual machine to reach the internet, it's packets travels through a number of virtual networks. The final network node is

Using traceroute, find out how many hops it takes to reach Note you must use ICMP ECHO in traceroute, rather than the default. Find the right flag in the manual.

Num of hops:

Question 5: nmap: Open ports

Question 6: tcpdump and web requests