Risk management
PPGR - Unit 2 - Risk management
Last Update Unknown
Risk is:
- The likelihood of the occurrence of a vulnerability
X Multiplied by
- The impact of the resulting event (or, the value of the loss)
- Expressed as fraction of 1.0 or a percentage (%)
- May be known (eg actuarial tables)
- May need judgement (document the process)
- Often reduced to High, Medium or Low
- Normally focuses on potential loss
- It's most straightforward to gather
- Can be combined up the hierarchy
- eg loss of HR for a week may have high value to them, but the organisation will be able to carry on for a while… (So long as payroll is OK)
Components of Risk
Risk Management
Choose a Risk Posture
Analyse Business Impact
Risk Rating
Controlling Risk
Aim: Prevent exploitation of vulnerability
- Application of policy
- Training and education
- Countering threats
- Technical security controls
- In combination
Aim: Shift the risk to other organisations
- Insurance
- Outsourcing
- Sharing (part transference)
- Can create new (hopefully lesser) risks
Aim: Reduce the damage caused by exploitation of vulnerability
- Incident response process
- Disaster recovery
- Business continuity
Aim: Bear the cost
- Doing nothing
- Can make sense if controlling the risk is more expensive
- Related to risk appetite…
Risk Controls
More accurately, risk is:
The likelihood of the occurrence of a vulnerability
X Multiplied by the impact of the information asset
- Minus the percentage of the risk mitigated by current controls
+ Plus the uncertainty of current knowledge of the vulnerability