Last Update Unknown
Port: Number used to identify a process or application on a network.
Socket: A combination of an IP address and a port number
Port Forwarding: A method of routing data through additional ports.
When the www request packets arrive at the destination interface they need to be passed to the web server process.
Note: Most servers will be running a multitude of processes.
To enable that, packets’ content will have been labelled with a Port number before being sent.
The normal port number for web servers is 80.
Key Port Numbers
Port Number | Service |
20, 21 | FTP (File Transfer) |
22, 23 | SSH (Text based remote access) |
25 | SMTP (Email sending) |
53 | DNS (Hostname resolution) |
80 | HTTP (Web server) |
110 | POP3 (Email receiving) |
443 | HTTPS (Secure HTTP) |