Dynamic Malware Analysis
Unit 9 - Malware Dynamic Analysis
Last Update Unknown
Dynamic Analysis
Basic Dynamic Analysis
- Trying to understand a program (or in our case, a piece of malware), by running it
- Monitoring the sample's activity
- Examples:
- System activity
- Registry edits
- Network activity
- Dynamic unpacking
- Running DLLs
- Sandboxing
System Activity
- Processes
- Memory
- Handles
- Mutants (mutexes)
Registry edits
- Persistence
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run
- Evasion/Stealth mechanisms
Network activity
- Monitor for network behaviour rather than system level
- Close vs. Open environment
- Hosts file vs. local DNS server
- INetSim
Dynamic unpacking
- When static just does not work
- Involves debugging which is a more advanced technique
- (mostly for) Automated analysis
- Not our focus... but lots of research going on
- Online services
Running DLLs
- RUNDLL32.EXE <dllname>,<entrypoint> <optional arguments>
- https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/164787
- 32-bit Windows: C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe
- 64-bit Windows: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rundll32.exe
Executing JavaScript with rundll32.exe???
- You can run JS with rundll32.exe
- rundll32.exe javascript:"\..\mshtml,RunHTMLApplication";alert('foo');
- Some malware have used this in registry for persistence
- A safe setup is even more important for dynamic analysis
- Make sure to take snapshots
Advantages of using dynamic analysis instead of static?
- Go hand in hand, however...
- Dynamic analysis can bring additional information from a sample that static analysis couldn't
- Unpack samples that use unknown packers
- How the malware is acting rather than what it's composed of
Advantages of using dynamic analysis instead of static?
- Process Explorer
- Process Monitor (Procmon)
- RegShot
- Running DLLs with rundll32.exe
- Wireshark
- TcpDump
- ApateDNS
- Netcat
- In software engineering, debugging is basically used to find bugs in code
- Run the code gradually (e.g. breakpoints), and find out what is happening
- In malware analysis, used for reversing purposes, i.e. have a deeper understanding of the malicious code
- Debug the sample to understand what it's doing
- Find hidden features / possible arguments / etc.
- Can also be used to manually unpack (find OEP)
Dynamic view (≠ looking at decompiled/disassembled code)
- Register values
- Memory addresses
- Zero flags
- Arguments
Ability to alter behaviour
- Conditional jumps/zero flags
- Variables
- Arguments
User-Mode vs. Kernel debugging
- User-Mode is more used to debug a specific executable
- Kernel-Mode is more specific to low level device drivers closer to hardware, and is more complicated to perform
Debug program before vs. while it's running
- Single-stepping
- Stepping-over
- Stepping-into
- Software
- Hardware (limited amount)
- Conditional (software)
- OllyDbg (+ plugins)
- IDA Pro
- WinDbg
- Speed up analysis
- Fast
- Saves time
- Can miss details
- Can be fooled
Open Source vs. Commercial
- Cuckoo
- Open source
- Active development
- Python-based
- Can do lots of stuff
Current Research
- Egele, M., Scholte, T., Kirda, E., & Kruegel, C. (2012). A survey on automated dynamic malware-analysis techniques and tools. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 44(2), 6.
- Yan, L. K., & Yin, H. (2012). Droidscope: seamlessly reconstructing the os and dalvik semantic views for dynamic android malware analysis. In Presented as part of the 21st USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 12) (pp. 569-584).
- Kruegel, C. (2014, August). Full System Emulation: Achieving Successful Automated Dynamic Analysis of Evasive Malware. In Proc. BlackHat USA Security Conference.