C++ Headers

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The name of each of these C++ headers is of the form cname, where name is the string that results when the “.h” extension is removed from the name of the equivalent C Standard Library header. For example, the header files <stdlib.h> and <cstdlib> are both provided by the C++ Standard Library and are equivalent in function, with the exception that all declarations in <cstdlib> are located within the std namespace.

String Headers

Provides string object and functions including size, lengthappend, insert, replace, copy, find, substr, compare, push_back and more.

Provides string manipulation functions including strcpystrncpystrcatstrncatstrcmpstrncmp and more.

Stream in/out Headers

Provides cin, cout and cerr commands.

Reading from/writing to a file

Provides file handling functions including open, is_open, close, gcount, getline, ignore, peek, read, put, write, flush and more.

Random numbers

  • cstdlib here is used to provide the srand and rand commands.
  • ctime provides the time function.

C Standard General Utilities Library

Provides many functions such as atof, atoi, atolcalloc, free, malloc, reallocexitdiv and more.

Ctype (Character transformation)

Provides character transformation functions including toupper, tolower, widen, narrow.