C++ Headers
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The name of each of these C++ headers is of the form cname, where name is the string that results when the “.h” extension is removed from the name of the equivalent C Standard Library header. For example, the header files <stdlib.h> and <cstdlib> are both provided by the C++ Standard Library and are equivalent in function, with the exception that all declarations in <cstdlib> are located within the std namespace.
String Headers
Provides string object and functions including size, length, append, insert, replace, copy, find, substr, compare, push_back and more.
Provides string manipulation functions including strcpy, strncpy, strcat, strncat, strcmp, strncmp and more.
Stream in/out Headers
Provides cin, cout and cerr commands.
Reading from/writing to a file
Provides file handling functions including open, is_open, close, gcount, getline, ignore, peek, read, put, write, flush and more.
Random numbers
- cstdlib here is used to provide the srand and rand commands.
- ctime provides the time function.
C Standard General Utilities Library
Provides many functions such as atof, atoi, atol, calloc, free, malloc, realloc, exit, div and more.
Ctype (Character transformation)
Provides character transformation functions including toupper, tolower, widen, narrow.